Let's talk about love.
Well, first of all, I'm having a hard time relating to people who "like" someone. i love hearing about it and all the happy/juicy stories that come with having a crush on someone, but I just can't relate. I'm sure last time being in that state of having a crush was four years ago has something to do with it. But regardless, I'm not the type to scream out, "OH I'm IN LOVE!" either. Sure, I care for him. Sure, I adore him. But if someone were to ask me if it's like those myspace love icons, i would flatly say no. You know, those small, square icons that say "Oh I loved you before I met you" or "I wish I could stay like this forever," with pictures of holding hands or hands making a shape of a heart? No, that's just not me or him.
My feelings for him is something more than one word. But it's not like I am dependant on him, either. Love is just a beginning word to define what I feel. It's not the definition. It's part of it, but there's so much more. I can't really explain it well, but it's not just the matter of whehter I love him or not. And sometimes it's scary how much emotion I have for one person. I feel so vulnerable and it's awekward. But to me, he is someone that's more than just one word.
Besides, the first icon is more like us than anything.
photo from Google
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